Natural perfume is beneficial for the mind and body. It brings mental comfort and calmness, imparts positive energy, relief from depression and removes anxiety.
Several scientific studies conducted in recent times around the world confirm this. And hundreds of years of experience bear witness to the same.
How perfume Influences Body and Mind
The human mind is irritated by noise, bad smells, annoying things, pollution etc. On the contrary, naturally occurring aromas do the opposite.
Perfume enters the lungs and then goes to the bloodstream. When applied directly on the skin, it enters the bloodstream through absorption. Blood carries it to various parts of the body. Many aromatic substances cross the ‘Blood-brain-barrier’ and enter the central nervous system (brain).
It is where natural perfumes do wonder. It elevates a person’s mind to heavenly ecstasy. It is anti-depressant and anti-anxiety. And so many positive things start to appear.
Recent scientific studies suggest that fragrances produce immediate changes in physiological parameters such as blood pressure, muscle tension, pupil dilation, skin temperature, pulse rate and brain activity.
Measurement of brain activity by Electroencephalographic response (EEG) reveals that natural perfume improves the mental condition. Jasmine oil arouses change in brain waves that is associated with the increase of positive emotions such as the feeling of well-being, or feeling active, fresh and romantic. Sandalwood oil causes changes in brain electrical waves which bring soothing, calming and comforting effects (Information taken from Article in ‘Scientia Pharmaceutica’, Ref 2016, 84, 724–751).
Synthetic perfumes are man-made chemicals.
In today’s world, big industrial houses are involved in developing and marketing synthetic aromas. Artificial chemicals invaded almost entire day-to-day items like bathing soaps, washing powder, and even food items like fruit juice, ice cream, soft drink etc. The list is endless.
Evils of synthetic perfume
A good-smelling chemical is synthesized in the laboratory, but what about its evil and toxic effect on health?
A study shows that about 35% of the population exposed to artificial fragrant material reported health problems, such as respiratory disorders, mucosal symptoms, migraine headaches, skin problems, asthma attacks, neurological, cognitive, and gastrointestinal problems, cardiovascular problems, immune system problems, musculoskeletal problems, and others.
[Ref. Paper published in ‘Air Quality Atmosphere and Health’ (2016) 9:861–866]
A single synthetic perfume available in the market may contain anything up to 500 mixtures of chemicals. Except for the scent manufacturer, nobody knows the list and dangers involved in these chemicals.
While mechanisms like regulatory bodies and government laws exist for food and drugs around the world to protect the general population against hazardous chemicals and unscrupulous manufacturers, no such thing exists in the case of perfume. Manufacturers are not bound by any law to reveal the ingredients. There is another twist to make things more complex. In regulated fields too, consumers are not always on the safe side. See for yourself… … Search the web with keywords like health, hazard, risk, soft, drinks, and fruit juice … … and see what information comes out !!!
We believe that human exposure to artificial chemicals in regulated and non-regulated areas is one major factor for the high prevalence of diabetes, cancer, infertility etc. in the present era. It is this belief that led us to avoid artificial chemicals to the extent practicable in food and perfume etc. And that is indeed the reason that kept us away from doing business in artificial perfume which is flourishing.
Present-day scenario in perfumery – Natural perfume is on the back foot.
Nowadays, the fragrance market is proliferated by synthetic or semi-synthetic cheap materials. The majority of the users are unaware of the hazards and risks of synthetic chemicals. Old and traditional perfume ‘Attar’ has long lost its past heyday and prominence.
However, we are neither worried nor affected by these downward trends.
Why did we choose to engage in a business which is losing ground? The answer is- The owner of this enterprise is a believer and proponent of natural products. Selling items harmful to human health is considered unethical.
How and where to apply perfume
Many people first put some perfume on the palm or on the back of the palm, then rub it on their clothes – Do not do this.
Apply a small quantity directly on the skin using the applicator rod. The applicator rod is the plastic rod or stick which is an inseparable part of the bottle closure plug.
Recommended location:
- On bare chest. Perfume lasts longer at this location.
- Behind ear lobe
- On the neck
The rationale behind of above-suggested locations:
- These points are near the nose.
- Does not get washed away while washing or wiping the face.
Do not apply on clothes. When you change the cloth it goes to waste. Also, the benefit of absorption through the skin is lost.